- Seventeen microscopic slides demonstrating cells found in soil
- Ideal for biology lessons or education on the environment
- Slide size are suitable for a standard microscope for ease of use
- Clear, high quality images to be studied in close detail
| | Usually delivered within 10 working days |
- 15 microscopic slides showing the metabolism process
- Suitable for students studying biology and metabolism
- Shows a variety of cells from plants and animals
- Fits a standard microscope for ease of use
| | Usually delivered within 10 working days |
- Microscopic slides showing various mollusca
- Suitable for biology lessons and students
- Contains 15 different images
- Designed for a standard microscope
| | Usually delivered within 10 working days |
- 50 microscopic slides showing a variation of cells
- Demonstrates different parts of multiple animals
- Ideal for biology students looking at mammals
- Professionally stained with colour-coded
| | Usually delivered within 10 working days |
- Set of fifty microscopic slides showing cells in the human body
- Displays a wide variety of cells, illustrating different features in the body
- Suitable for students studying biology and examining the topic in close detail
- Ideal for standard microscopes for easy use
| | Usually delivered within 10 working days |
- Sixteen microscopic slides showing various organs of sense
- Depicts a number of animals and different organs
- Allows students to examine the cells in closer detail
- Suitable for a standard microscope for ease of use
| | Usually delivered within 10 working days |
- Set of eight microscope slides detailing the cells in a paramaecium
- Each slide is expertly stained to display the features of the cell
- Ideal for educational purposes and biology students
- Suitable for a standard microscope for ease of use
| | Usually delivered within 10 working days |
- Set of twenty five microscopic slides showing different types of bacteria
- Ideal for students, biology lessons and educational purposes
- Clearly displays the cells in pathogenic bacteria
- Suitable for a standard microscope
| | Usually delivered within 10 working days |
- Twenty five microscopic slides showing the cells in seeded plants
- Ideal for biology students and educational purposes
- Highlights the features in the different cells through staining
- Suitable for a standard microscope for ease of use
| | Usually delivered within 10 working days |
- Fifty slides showing the cells in the phanerogamae process
- Slides are expertly stained to highlight the cells being featured
- Ideal for educational purposes or biology students
- Designed to fit with a standard microscope for ease of use
| | Usually delivered within 10 working days |
- Set of 10 microscopic slides showing a pig's embryo
- Illustrates the cells at various stages of development
- Suitable for a biology lesson and allowing students to take a closer look
- Fits a standard microscope for ease of use
| | Usually delivered within 10 working days |
- Suitable for students and educational purposes
- 10 slides detailing different illnesses
- Allows students to examine the conditions in detail
- Suitable for use with a standard microscope
| | Usually delivered within 10 working days |
- Microscopic slides showing pteridophytes (ferns and fern allies)
- Suitable for biology lessons and student
- Contains 15 different images
- Designed for a standard microscope
| | Usually delivered within 10 working days |
- Selected rocks and fossils ground and polished to a set thickness
- Forms, colours and other information revealed under a microscope
- A polarised-light microscope reveals additional information
- 10 slides featuring ten different rocks
| | Usually delivered within 10 working days |
- Ten slides providing additional educational microscopic slides
- Close study of a variety of rocks and minerals supplied
- Additional information is revealed when using polarised-light equipment
- Suitable for biology lessons and educational purposes
| | Usually delivered within 10 working days |