franck-hertz tube with neon filling
This product is a highly evacuated electron tube containing neon, for use in the Franck-Hertz Experiment. Mounted on a base and with colour coded connection sockets, the Franck-Hertz Tube with Neon Filling is both sturdy and user-friendly.
The Franck-Hertz Neon Tube can be operated at room temperature and is for use in conjunction with other equipment available at Lab World. The Franck-Hertz Experiment is included in most curricula, therefore this product makes a great addition to any classroom lab.
Franck-Hertz Experiment
This well known experiment, first performed by James Franck and Gustav Hertz in 1914, is critically important in terms of demonstrating discrete energy states in atoms. It provides strong confirmation of the idea of quantised atomic energy levels.
The Franck-Hertz Tube with Neon Filling is used to demonstrate that free electrons colliding with neon atoms emit energy in quantised packets, and the excitation energy of the 3P0 or 3S1 states at about 19eV.
When excited, these states emit visible light due to the energy drop from intermediate levels to a ground state at an excitation energy of about 16.7eV. The light so emitted is in the red-yellow region of the spectrum. Parallel bands of light are formed between the control grid and the accelerator grid and can be observed through a window.
This item features a tetrode with an indirectly heated cathode, a mesh control grid, mesh accelerating grid and collector (counter) electrode.
Additionally required
When using this product, you will also require the following:
Technical Specification
- Filament voltage: 4 − 12V
- Control voltage: 9V
- Accelerating voltage: max. 80V
- Counter voltage: 1.2 − 10V
- Tube diameter: approx. 130 x 26mm
- Base with connector sockets: approx. 190 x 115 x 115mm³
- Weight: approx. 450g